The best way to assess the level of customer service through the use of specially trained personnel (the mystery shoppers). Mystery shoppers, playing the role of a real buyer, realize the inspection of service process, notes the process in details by hidden methods of the seller. Most often, evaluations are made on the way of visiting the outlet, as well as by phone, letters by email, and other communication methods, depending on the evaluated service procedures.
Rules of etiquette of the collaborators (courtesy, kindness etc.);
Vocabulary of the collaborators (literacy, intelligibility, etc.);
Waiting period to answer the phone and / or waiting period of the answer to the question;
The physical aspect of collaborators, how much are cared for and their compliance with company style;
Fulfilling the necessary standards and rules by company employees;
Sales technique, the ability to identify customer’s needs and willingness to help;
Parameters of the point of sales (decor and firm style, internal and external appearance; room-cleaning and marketing techniques; work schedule; parking presence, simplicity in looking the outlet and possession of a panel, etc.);
Other parameters that influence the sale.
Being carried out regularly, this method can be a good tool for correcting the policy of customer service and motivating the sales staff of the company.