Telephone interviews (CATI) – an individual survey, which is carried out by telephone using a computer. Data are collected on both individuals and legal entities. To conduct such surveys is needed a base with telephone numbers (if we speak of legal persons) or list of random numbers generated by a special program (if we are talking about individuals). Given that in the Republic of Moldova the level of regional telephony is rather increased, most research is carried out namely by this method. This method is the best for collection of reliable statistics.


– lower expenses due to transportation costs, circulation costs and many other expenses that are excluded;
– The ability to perform fast and to include a larger sample in a shorter time;
– 100% quality checking of the work of the interviewers;
– Ability to interview segments of the population unavailable for a personal interview
– Given that in Moldova, the level of regional telephony is rather increased, most research is carried out namely by this method.


– Limited time: the maximum duration of a telephone interview is 20 minutes (20-40 questions);
– Possibility of using demonstrative materials in process is missing: variants with answer cards, designs, logos, different packaging and other materials;

XPLANE company has its own center for interviews by telephone after the technology CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing), where it is used special telephone and computer equipment for 25 work places.

For carrying out surveys is used a special program Evonix CATI / Webfieldwork system®. The technology used fully complies with world standards and requirements of the interviews by telephone.

CATI center performs research projects, involving telephone interviews everywhere in Moldova, both with the city dwellers, and with the inhabitants of the villages.